Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Assignment 2 - Model and 3D Renderings.

Model - Basal Wood
Renderings - Model and rendered in 3DSMax

Because it was hard to take any decent photos of the interior of the model, I decided to do some computer rendering of what the interior will look like with the correct material applied. Consist of 2 scenes with different lighting conditions.

Assignment 2 - Plan, Section and Axonometric.

Drafting pen on Tracing Paper.

Draft pen on tracing paper.

Modeled and rendered in 3DSMax.

Assignment 2 - Narrative and Design Process.

Narrative: "A pavilion/platform for a lone woman to comtemplate the meaning of life"

Design process: Initially the idea I had was that although one can rely on religion as a source on information on the meaning of life but some also think that science can provide the answer to that question. Although with such a strong presences of religious meaning within the painting, I decided my primary goal was to design something that even nonreligious people can use. So the obvious symbolism of the Christian Church (the cross), Islam (the crescent moon) or Judaism (the star of David).
I decide the basic my design on the Golden Ratio. I chose the Golden Ratio because of its connections to the pentagram (The golden ratio plays an important role in regular pentagons and pentagrams. Each intersection of edges sections other edges in the golden ratio. Also, the ratio of the length of the shorter segment to the segment bounded by the 2 intersecting edges (a side of the pentagon in the pentagram's center) is φ, as the four-color illustration shows. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_ratio) for religion and mathematics for science.
The major impact of the Golden Ratio on my design was that it defined the dimensions of the overall footprint of my structure and where each level step ups took place. 5000mmx8100mm is the dimension of the footprint, the first step up takes place at the 5000mm mark from left to right, the following step up takes place half way of the 5000mm, the reason I chose points is due to the way how a golden rectangle is constructed.
To continue building on the simple idea of something that is common in the 3 major monotheistic religion and in science was my main goal after finishing the main portion of the structure. In the 3 religions, water plays a major part in rituals baptising for Christians, immersion for Jewish people, washing before their 5 daily prays for Muslims. In science water along side oxygen is considered the main building blocks of life.
The idea of the columns and beams at the lowest level/platform of the structure is the influence of the world, having voids to allow all types of influence affect the occupant's answer to the meaning of life. the continuous path is to symbolise the answer is always there and a glimpse of it as you walk through the structure. The blocking of outside influences at the second level/platform and the pool on water is a space to think and reflect. Although its a simple idea, the stepping up and different high of the ceiling symbolises the goal.

Assignment 2 - Painting in Focus.

Woman Holding a Balance. 1662-1663. Johannes Vermeer
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jan_Vermeer_van_Delft_015.jpg (accessed 11/05/09)

Objects/figure in the painting -
Figure: Pregnant woman - At first glance the woman resembles the Virgin Mary.
Painting on the way: The Last Judgment - The painting depicts the biblical event that is connected to the second coming of Christ, judging of the soul.
Objects on the table: Jeweleries - Worldly possession.
Object in the figure's hand: Balance - To further emphasis the weighing the focus in the background.

After having compiled a list of objects in the painting there is a strong religious connection. The Judging of souls in the painting "the Last Judgment", the balance in the woman's hand which re-emphasis on the meaning of the painting, the idea of the woman choosing the gold balance over her jeweleries (worldly possessions), the light coming from the window shining on the balance see-sawing from one side to the other and of course the woman resembles to the Virgin Mary.